The week between Christmas and New Years is my absolute favorite week of the entire year!
Do you want to know why?
I’ll give you a hint…
It’s not because that’s when I get to play with all the stuff I got from Santa.
It’s because that is the week I get to spend reflecting on the year behind me and formulating a plan for how I’m going to absolutely dominate the year ahead!
Let me ask you a few more questions…
- Do you want to absolutely crush 2020?
- Do you want to make it the best year of your personal, professional and spiritual life?
- Do you want to grow like haven’t since grade school?
- Do you want to make some incredible memories with your friends and family?
- Do you want to take steps towards achieving financial freedom and start creating real wealth?
Well, if any or all of these are on your list of “To Do’s” for 2020, I have a no obligation offer you’re going to want to take advantage of.
This year I have devoted the entire month to helping my family, friends, team and clients develop and document a plan that they can implement to make the upcoming year the absolute best of their entire lives!
I’ve spent literally thousands of hours over the last five years working on this system and I want to share it with anyone who’s genuinely interested.
This is the system that…
– Took me from flat broke to millionaire.
– Took me from failed entrepreneur to building a multimillion dollar business.
– Took me from living a 400 Sq Ft garage to owning a 4,000 Sq Ft house.
– Took me from uninspired to living a purpose driven life.
– Took me from single and confused to now engaged to the most amazing woman on the planet.
So what’s the catch?!
Well the catch is that YOU have to do the WORK!
I will share the tools and resources with you but if you don’t take this seriously and do your part then it will all just be a waste of time.
And after you put in the front end work this week you’re still not done!
You’re going to have to spend some time each day, week and month; executing, evaluating and adjusting your plan to make sure you’re on target.
In the past when I’ve tried to share my system with folks they’ve just come at me with lame excuses why it couldn’t possibly work for them.
Normally, I would list some of excuses here for reference, but I no longer embrace excuses!
I embrace only solutions and massive action taking!
This may seem intense for some and I get that.
If you’re content living an average life I respect that…This is not for you.
But if you’re ready to take action and squeeze every last drop out of life…This is absolutely for you.
If you’re committed to making this the best year of your life comment below with a response to the very simple question below…
Why 2020?
And I will share with you the tools, tips, exercises, worksheets, etc that I use to put a plan in place to personally, professionally and spiritually crush it year in and year out!
Oh and by the way there is not, nor will there at any time be, any charge whatsoever for this.
I am doing this solely to add as much value as I possibly can to and for folks as we close out 2019!