Discomfort is a catalyst for progress!
If you choose to do what’s easy all the time you just simply won’t grow.
Have you ever met anyone that is so comfortable they’re actually miserable because of it?
That is because the Comfort Zone is actually the least comfortable place you can ever possibly find yourself!
Breaking a habit, trying something new, taking a risk, making new connections, or putting yourself in a totally new situation is never easy but it is always worth it.
You can either be comfortable and stagnate or stretch yourself and grow.
Choose the latter…Always!
- Go where the demands are high.
- Go where the pressure to perform is real.
- Go where most won’t so you can have what most can’t.
To grow you have to embrace discomfort!
The transition will be challenging and scary but that’s exactly why they call them Growing Pains.
The secret to success lies in the very thing you’re avoiding…
- Those things you cringe just thinking about.
- Those things others call you crazy for daring to do.
- Those things that seem to break you down and humble your spirit.
Seek out discomfort and be deliberate about doing things that truly push your limits.
If you want long term success you must stop avoiding what’s hard.
When you are challenged you are forced to create new perspectives, acquire new skills and push past new boundaries.
Getting comfortable being uncomfortable is one of the greatest skills you can acquire.
If you learn this skill you can master absolutely anything!
Discomfort can be the key that opens up everything for you.
- You can explore new places.
- You can conquer procrastination.
- You can speak on a stage or in front of a large crowd.
- You can make it through challenges or physically grueling events.
Think about how many things were once uncomfortable for you which you now accept without any difficulty at all?
Discomfort is the catalyst for progress and most things seem impossible only until they are done.