Champions create distance on Fridays!


Wanted to put out a message today in the hopes of catching you ahead of the weekend.

It happens so many times in corporate, and to a lesser extent, but even still, in entrepreneurship.

People simply check out midday on Friday and are completely unproductive over the weekend.⁣

In fact, if I am being honest, I was guilty of doing it myself for years, really all through my 20s.

But what I have come to realize late in my 30s is that being consistent SEVEN days a week is what creates separation and ultimately success! 

And I am not talking about 24/7/365 “Hustle” or “Grind” here…

  • I am talking about the “Long Game”
  • I am talking about manifesting your Dreams. ⁣
  • I am talking about achieving audacious Goals.

Let me run some numbers by you…

What if you could commit just an additional four hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to the above?

(This essentially means not punching the clock and checking out on Friday at Noon and back in Monday AM)⁣

That’s 12 Hours a Weekend you get to buy back.

12 Hours x 52 Weeks = 624 Hours. ⁣
624 Hours / 24 Hours in a Day = 26 Days

What could you do with an additional 26 Days

  • How much growth could you experience in 26 Days?⁣
  • How would your business change with an extra 26 days?⁣
  • How could your family benefit from those additional 26 Days?

Again, I am not suggesting you take time away from your family, or time spent creating memories with them to Grind. 

I am suggesting you bypass Happy Hour, Netflix, Media or whatever your preferred flavor of “Time Suck” is. 

Make no mistake about it we are very much still in “Separation Season” and it’s what you do in your “Off Time” now that will allow you to continue to grow and dominate. ⁣

Don’t be like everyone else waiting for the bell to ring and not focused on putting in their best effort.

FINISH Friday. WIN the DAY. OWN the Weekend.

Stay focused on what YOU can control and DOMINATE!

Remember champions create distance on Fridays!

Here’s wishing you an amazingly productive weekend!⁣


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